Choosing the Right Residential Septic System

Choosing the Right Residential Septic System

Nearly 1 million Oklahoma households rely on septic systems instead of public sewers to manage toilet waste. Handling residential septic systems isn’t a DIY job—it demands expertise for tasks like new installations, inspections, tank cleaning, repairs, and maintenance. Ensuring your septic system operates smoothly often requires professional pumping services. For all your septic system needs, Cyclone Septics is here to help.

Understanding which type of septic system suits your property is important. Multiple options exist to optimize residential septic systems for proper functionality. Certified septic installers possess the necessary knowledge, tools, and equipment to ensure correct installation and ongoing efficient operation, creating a clean environment for your family.

Cyclone Septics installing a new aerobic system in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Is an aerobic system the right fit for your home?

When a property has lot restrictions or poor soil conditions, alternatives to conventional lateral systems might be necessary. Aerobic systems stand out as an ideal solution among residential septic systems. Certified installers aerobic systems like NuWater meticulously plan layouts and use quality materials to guarantee hassle-free operation. Choosing an aerobic system from Cyclone Septics offers superior reliability and higher-quality water treatment, with certified installers dedicated to educating homeowners about its operation.

When does a conventional system become the best choice?

Properties with good drain field conditions can benefit from conventional septic systems. But what defines a good drain field? Ideal conditions involve perfect leaching soil, elevated ground above the water table, absence of limiting rock layers or clay, gentle slopes with excellent drainage, expansive open areas devoid of trees but with ample vegetation cover, and no equipment or vehicle traffic. A soil test conducted by a certified soil profiler determines the system size based on the expected water usage.  Cyclone Septics is the only local septic company that has a soil profiler on staff.

conventional septic system being installed by Cyclone Septics with a concrete tank and chambers

Multiple types of conventional septic systems are available to accommodate most soil types featuring gravel and perforated pipes, or innovative chamber systems. For soils that don’t ‘perc’, an evapo-transpiration septic system (ETA) might be necessary, constructed using good topsoil and washed sand on conventional lateral lines.

All Septic Systems Require Maintenance

Despite popular belief, lateral systems require maintenance too. Typically lasting 20 to 40 years based on soil conditions, system capacity, and maintenance, these systems could face failure. Remedial options for failing lateral systems can include modification or total replacements. Rely on top septic companies like Cyclone Septics for comprehensive inspections and effective solutions to maintain your system’s safety and efficiency.

Contact us today to discuss your home.

Book: Living with an Onsite Wastewater System

You can learn more about your septic system by purchasing Living With an Onsite Wastewater System on Amazon.

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