Storm Shelter Installations

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Be Safe During Severe Weather With a Storm Shelter

The weather in Oklahoma can be unpredictable, and when severe weather strikes, you need a safe spot to shelter the storm. 

We’re best known for our septic work, but we can also professionally install storm shelters to keep you safe.

Let’s talk about your need for a storm shelter when you call now. Ask for a free estimate!

Slope-Front Concrete Storm Shelters

At Cyclone Septics, we are proud to offer slope-front concrete shelters. These shelters come in multiple sizes, and the sloped front makes it easy to get in and out.

  • 5′ x 7′
  • 6′ x 8′
  • 7′ x 10′
  • 4.5′ x 11′ EZ Shelter

These tornado shelters will stick above the ground between 2 feet and 2.5 feet. Check out the gallery below to see how installation works.

Flat-Top Concrete Storm Shelters

For a flat-top tornado shelter from Cyclone Septics, you can choose from several sizes.

  • 5′ x 7′
  • 6′ x 8′
  • 7′ x 10′

These shelters lay flat against the ground. See the gallery below for examples.

Storm Shelter Installation

Call now for a free quote on your storm shelter installation
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for Thanksgiving
November 23rd & 24th

during this time, our phone messages
will be monitored for emergencies.

We will reopen Monday at 8am