Who You Gonna Call If You Have a Septic Backup?

Who you gonna call if you have a septic backup?

If you’ve got a septic backup in your home, your first thought might be to call a plumber. After all, plumbers are the go-to for most pipe and drain problems, right? 

Well, not always.  If your home has  a septic system, calling a plumber may not help.  You’re better off calling a septic company that knows how to handle the challenges of these systems.

Septic Systems Are Different from City Sewers

Septic systems are unique. When there’s a backup, it could be related to the tank being too full, the pipes leading to the tank being clogged, or even an issue with the drainfield itself. These are not things a standard plumber deals with.

A septic company knows the ins and outs of these systems and will be able to quickly identify what’s going wrong. Whether it’s something small like a clog or a bigger problem like a failing drainfield, they’ll know exactly what to do.

Cyclone Septics technician using a camera to inspect a sewer line
a pumper from Cyclone Septics pumping a septic tank

Don’t Waste Your Money

Plumbers are great at what they do, but if you’ve got a septic issue, they might not have the right tools or knowledge to fix it. They will often blame a “full” septic tank and instruct you to get it pumped when that’s hardly ever the problem.  Or, more likely, tell you get the tank pumped with the issue isn’t related to the septic at all!

Instead of risking it, call a septic expert first. They’ll typically be able to get to the root of the issue quickly and make sure it’s fully resolved.  If it isn’t a septic related issue, they can tell you exactly what needs to be done.

Routine Maintenance May Catch the Problem Early

Routine maintenance can prevent a lot of the problems that cause backups.  A maintenance technician can diagnose a failing drainfield or a weak pump early.

Maintenance doesn’t just catch problems early—it also extends the life of your entire system. Regular pumping, inspections, and minor repairs keep everything in good working order, reducing the wear and tear on your system over time.

When Should You Call a Plumber?

If you have a single clogged drain or toilet, it might be a regular plumbing issue. But if you’re noticing slow drains, gurgling sounds, or backups in multiple places, it may be time to call in the septic experts, Cyclone Septics.

Checking your sewer cleanout for water will tell you if the plug is in the house or the tank.  Water in the cleanout, call a septic company first.  No water in the cleanout, call a plumbing company first.

white plastic sewer clean out pipe in green grass

Contact Cyclone Septics today if you have a septic system backup!

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