How Do You Know It’s Time to Pump Your Septic?

How do you know when it's time to pump your septic?

Is it Time to Clean Your Septic Tank?

Pumping your septic tank regularly is the single most important thing you can do to keep it working properly.  Most tanks should be cleaned every 2-5 years depending on the tank size and home occupancy.  An aerobic tank needs pumped more often than a conventional system.

A pumping chart is a good place to start when estimating how often you should pump but it’s just a rule of thumb.  You may need to pump more often or may be able to go longer. 

A trusted septic pumper can tell you the frequency as they get to know your household habits.

septic pumping frequency chart

What Are the Signs A Septic Tank Needs Cleaned?

water standing in a yard over a failing septic system

For a conventional septic, this question typically follows signs like toilets backing up or water standing in the yard.

An aerobic system will start to have equipment failures or stink when it’s past due on pumping.

Unfortunately, by the time most homeowners realize there may be a problem, the damage has been done.

Pumping regularly will save you the expense of replacing a drainfield or pump early.

Will Pumping My Septic System Help?

Unfortunately, pumping out your septic tank will not fix a failing conventional system.  It will help until the tank fills up again.  That usually takes less than a week.  If heavy rain is causing an additional load on the drainfield, pumping may give it time to dry out.

Drainfields typically fail after biomat prevents the soil from absorbing the wastewater.  Skipping regular maintenance will speed the process up.

Foregoing aerobic system maintenance will shorten the lifespan of your aerator and pump.  Not to mention, if you wait too long, you may end up spraying untreated poo on your lawn!

an image showing how biomat develops in a septic drainfield

The Role of Toilet Paper

Contrary to popular belief, your septic tank bacteria isn’t great at breaking down toilet paper.

When toilet paper enters the septic tank, it should dissolve quickly and break down into small particles. This allows the bacteria in the tank to effectively process the waste, preventing clogs and ensuring smooth operation. 

However, not all toilet papers dissolve at the same rate or to the same extent.

Using the right toilet paper will reduce the frequency of septic tank cleanings and avoid costly repairs.  In addition, a well-maintained septic system lasts longer, saving you the expense and hassle of premature septic replacement.

Testing Your Toilet Paper

I tested over 30 brands of toilet paper for you and the results are on TikTok or Instagram!  Surprisingly, my top recommendation is Great Value Soft & Strong or Ultra Soft!!

If you’re unsure whether your current toilet paper is septic-recommended, you can perform a simple test at home:

  1. Fill a Jar with Water: Take a clear jar and fill it with water.
  2. Add Toilet Paper: Place a few squares of toilet paper into the jar.
  3. Shake the Jar: Secure the lid and shake the jar vigorously for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Observe the Results: Let the jar sit for a few minutes. If the toilet paper has mostly dissolved or broken into small pieces, it’s likely safe for your septic system. If it remains intact, consider switching to a more septic-friendly brand.

Find a Septic Company You Can Trust

I hate to say it but, there are dishonest septic companies out there that will tell you to pump annually.  Ask your self (or them!) why.

A reputable, honest company may cost a little more but you will be able to trust what they tell you.

Call Cyclone Septics if you’re in North Central Oklahoma and let us be your trustworthy septic company!

Book: Living with an Onsite Wastewater System

You can learn more about your septic system by purchasing Living With an Onsite Wastewater System on Amazon.

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